
You have a full time job like most people you know. You work hard with lots of effort and determination. You go through everyday with hard work and sacrifice. So how do you stay fit? Do you even have the time to do so now that you're so caught up with office work? Well, here's some good news for you. You can stay fit while doing all that work that you do in the office. Nowadays, many companies are becoming more fitness friendly and have special exercise rooms in the same building.
Some companies offer incentives for their employees to get them to exercise as they recognize the important of having physically fit employees who exercise regularly. There are even others that have fitness programs in their company. These programs can be really rewarding if put to use. But of course the best reward would be your own physical fitness. However, if your company offers none of these, don't worry. There are still many ways you can get fit and stay on top of the game at work.

How about organizing an office fitness group? That way you can meet maybe once or twice a week and exercise together, which is always more fun than working out on your own. There are sure to be other staff members in your office who are interested in getting fit and staying healthy like you. They too would be interested in finding ways to fit exercise into their daily schedule at work. Of course first you need permission to do so, so get permission from your supervisor or head of department to put up a notice of some sort to announce your fitness group and to provide details of your first meeting. Try meeting regularly and focus on encouraging one another instead of competing against each other. One you have formed your group and set down some rules, you're good to go.

Most office fitness groups meet for the fun of it, but you can always take it a step further if you are all interested to do so. Maybe you can enter a fundraising race; it is for a good cause. There have been many teams which have done this and have managed to raise a sizeable amount of money due to the team's position within their office. Isn't this a wonderful way to give back to society?

Ok, so organizing is not everyone's cup of tea. How about just trying to squeeze in some exercises during your work day at the office? For example, if you keep weights at your desk or in your office, you can easily take a ten-minute break and do some weight lifting. Another easy way is to walk. Yes, walk around your office whenever the situation calls for you to move. How about taking the stairs when going up or down floors? Instant workout! Squeezing as many steps as possible means increasing your overall activity level and at the same time boosting your fitness level.

Invest in a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day. You can also use it at home to monitor your progress. When at the office, look for a quiet spot where you can do stretches and other muscle-building exercises (lunges and squats). When stretching, make sure you have some private area. If you cannot find a separate place try the bathroom. Stretching can actually be done almost anywhere, as long as you're not too obvious with it.

Or try checking the outside area of your office building to see if the area is safe and suitable for outdoor exercise. If it is, you can utilize that area during your lunch breaks. You can go for a short walk or do some stretches. When you're out of the office, you're giving your body a chance to take a break, away from tedium of work. You get to refresh your mind and your body, so make full use of the outdoors. It's good for you.

Did you know that there are some corporations that offer rewards to their employees who are into fitness and who work out regularly? Check with your Human Resources coordinator and see if your company is one of them. You could also check to see if your company offers any kind of incentive or gym membership for the employees. There are times when some employers provide incentives like covering a portion of the cost for the annual gym membership, as they recognize that an employee that is fit and healthy is a good investment for the company. The HR coordinator is able to provide you with lots of information with regards to your company's policies on health and fitness. It would be a good idea for you to take the time to have a chat with him or her and find out what benefits you are entitled to. Even if your company does not offer any such incentive, you can still find lots of other ways where you can stay fit at your job without having to sacrifice your time or dignity.

About the Author
Tom McKenna has been writing articles online for nearly 5 years. His latest interest is in home furnishing. Please come visit his leather armchair website that discusses armchairs such as the brown leather armchair to complete the interior decor of your home.


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